Thursday 23 April 2009

No Scholarship (yet)

Several weeks ago, I had applied for a scholarship to do a Masters in Computational Quantum Chemistry here in Limerick. Yesterday, I found out that I didn't get it.

Thankfully, the Lord gave me sufficient faith to understand that this merely means that He has a different plan for me for the next year. I rejoice in His precious promise that He works all things for my good (Rom 8:28) and that His plans are best, and that they never fail!

Once my exams are finished (in 3 weeks' time), I will look into applying for the 2nd call, and I will also apply for jobs in the industry, and see what the Lord would have me do. It would of course be easiest if I could get a job in Limerick, but if it is somewhere else, I will just have to make weekly trips back to Limerick to attend the Limerick Reformed Fellowship, and biweekly trips to visit my lovely family in Ennis!

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